Dossiers 1090/1040

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Remplacement des hublots sur Auskalo

Replacing Hublots with EPDM gasket.

My F10.90 suffered water leakeage in the hublots. The water entered across the screws. I tried to use a new method for avoid this problem, I hope that it will be a long time solution.
First of all I removed the old hublots with a guitar string. Really I had to use 3, the first was to thin and I broke it very early, the other 2 were the most thick that I could buy in the music shop. I spent 6 hours for remove the 4 hublots.
despegando metacrilatosdetalle cubierta

After that I started to remove the inside oak panel, that were rotten due to humidity. A lot of job handle with chisel, about 5 hours per hublot!!!
marcos podridosretirando marcos

detalle marcos retirada
Then I cleaned the surface of deck were hublots were placed, that was a dirty job made with chisel, spatula and acetone. 3 hours per hublot more or less. Also I sand the surface of hublots.
saneado cubiertametacrilato saneado

The black line of the deck was very worn and damage in some places. I sand it and repaint with 3 coats of water based polyurethane paint, the result was good.
pintado linea

When the hublot surface and deck were ready I place a EPDM gasket all around the perimeter. I choose EPDM due to it can resist UV radiation, hot temperatures and salt water. Before to choose EPDM I think in neoprene, rubber, nitrile and some others types of gaskets. EPDM gasket can be found with 1 autoadhesive side (I bought this) or not. I dont remeber exactly the price but I think it was 0,25 € per meter, more or less. I also glued the external part, betwen gasket and hublot with a thick line of MS- Polymer, a dyameter of 0,5 cm. After that Hublots were screwed to deck. Also the hublot´s holes of screws were sealed with polymer.

junta epdmdetalle junta
Inside I used the old wooden pieces for made a new ones. I made them on poplar wood, 0,4 cm. For protect them I varnished them with water based poliurethane varnish. 3 coats on each sides. Also varnished the screws holes.
Above these pieces of wood I will place another pieces, same size of elm wood.
marcos interiores martirescolocacion interior marco

The job was done on May 2016, after that some strong rains, hot and low temperatures, and no water has been detected inside the vessel.


Aritz, s/y Auskalo.